Key of this dungeon is Boss's Number Buffs and Mood gage " Change of Heart "
Both of them show up when boss's HP reached at 90 % .
By using these , we can know if Boss is lying or telling a truth.
Boss's number buffs are 3 kinds. 3, 6, and 9
This is Addiction Buff which means he can't stop lying when this number is related.
Mood gage is from 0 to 100. ( gains 1 every 1 sec )
It resets every time when gage reaches to 100.
When this gage has same number as buff number ( 3, 6 or 9 ) , he is telling a lie !
Visit guide for more details >
Buffs and Gage
Tricky attacks LIE or TRUTH ( which you have to find out lie or truth
by using buff and gage ) , are just 3 types !
1. Huge Burning Circle ( Outside or Inside )
2. Following Circle for targetted one ( Outside or Inside )
3. Barrier or Paddle
He says " what shall I do next ?.. " before he does tricky attacks.
Check boss's buff numbers and Change of Heart gage number fast. and be ready for trick !
Most of these tricky attacks are one shot if you fail !!
Visit guide page for more details >
Truth or Lie ?
Along with main attacks with warning message, he does some standard attacks ,
by using his weapon " Circus Ball " and Bunting !
He punches, throws the ball and leashes !! etc etc
Actually these attacks are quite strong ! ( depends on your gears )
You need to dodge nicely ! if not you will die !
Visit guide page to check his standard attacks ! >
Basic Attacks
Watch out when boss's mood gage reaches to 100 ! He does Circle test ( kind of )
10 circles , PINK with STAR and Normal Blue one show up around boss.
You need to get in PINK circle with star in time ! ( do not share same circle with others )
If you succeed to get in pink star circle, you will get power up buff !!
If you go into normal blue circle or if are standing anywhere but star circle,
you will be a debuff snowman ! ( eventually you will die if u fail to cleanse )
And boss will get power up buff .
If all allies succeed to get in star circle, boss will remove one " number buff " !
Visit guide page for more details ! >
Star or Snowman
Liar Tarski's Playground / Manglemire
After boss's HP reached to 60%, he will start using Balloon and Bombs trick too !
Random one of player will be stunned and he will get purple balloon and bomb.
This balloon will give big damage later ! He needs allies' help to survive !
On the other hand, other players will get just bombs over their heads, but ONLY ONE bombs of 5 is real, and rest are fake !!
Real bomb will explode later and give damage to allies around him.
To find out who has real bomb, you need to ATTACK BOSS !
If bomb is fake, it will disappear. If bomb is real, it will stay on your head.
Check who has real bomb !
If balloon holder has real bomb, all must stay away from him! ( he won't get balloon damage in this case )
If someone else but balloon holder has real bomb, 3 players who have no bomb must go to balloon holder to share his balloon damage!
* if you fail to go to balloon holder, you will die !
Visit guide page for more details ! >
Balloon and Bombs
LemonBunny's personal thoughts on Banglemire ~
This dungeon is quite unique and very fun unlike other ones !
Boss attacks are very simple but quite strong, sometimes if does one shot. Better dodge all attacks .
Problem of this dungeon is even if you know that he lies at 3 6 9 , it is very confusing in real action .
There is system we can remove his number buffs , ( by succeeding at Star circle test ), this should be good thing, but if we remove just one or 2 buffs, it is more confusing !! Untill we remove all his number buffs.
Most failing part is Star circle test, because sometimes we bump into aother player in same circle . Need to spread before the circles show up , and make sure 2 guys won't go to same circle.
Funny part is Burning Attack !! This one , orange circle shows up around boss, means inside gets damage if he is telling a truth. So actually this attack is easier when boss lies!! No need to go outside circle .