Liar Tarski's Playground /Manglemire
He wil lie lots because he wants fun this time by tricking you !!
Boss buffs and gage will be hints to find out if he is lying or not
Manglemore Buffs and Gage
From 90 % HP of Boss ,
He gets Number Buffs and special gage " Manglemore's Change of Heart "
Manglemore Buffs
Boss has all buffs ( 3, 6 , 9 ) from the start. ( from 90% )
You can delete one buff,
if your party succeed at special trick" STAR or SNOWMAN "
( happens when Change of Heart gage reached to 100 )
Boss lies when gage number has 3 / 6 / 9 .
+ Increases boss's endurance by 5 %.
ADDICTED TO 3 / 6 / 9
True or Lie EXAMPLES
Boss Buffs
Change of Heart
Lie or Truth
TRUTH ( Gage does not have 6 nor 9 )
When he says attack message,
If gage numbers include same number as Boss's buff numbers, he is lying !
If not, he is telling the truth !
LIE ( Gage has buff number " 6 " )
Manglemore's Mind Gage
Gage starts from 0.
Gains 1 ever 1 second ! ( gates stops during trick attacks )
When gage reached to 100, it will be reset to 0.
* He does Special Trick " Star or Snow circle " when gage resets *
If all allies of your party succeed at this trick,
Boss will remove one number buff
Numbers of Buffs he gets are 3 , 6 and 9
Change of Heart gage is 0 to 100