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Hallway to room 11
Chess Room 

At the center of Chess board, there is stone.

We need to break this stone to open the gate to next way.

There are some lasers and mobs around stones.

So move the stone to safe spot and break, or use ranged attacks.

If raid has lancer , leash the stone.

If raid has brawler, use Bull Rush to move the stone.

Reaper's Soul Reversal also works.

room 12

 Green Magical Area ( one shot )

Sometimes boss does Green Magic Attack.

but before this, most of time SLEEP GAS ATTACK happenes, so make sure to avoid this attack.




He rolled his body and then he splashes black smoke with Debuff around him.

DEBUFF - STUN  / SLEEP  ( can be cleansed )

You need to avoid this debuff as much as you can, because next one shot mechaic will start soon, and you need to move lots. 

If someone got this debuff, healer needs to remove debuff soon.

Black Smoke

After that he goes to center of the room, then will start casting a spell.

All party members get Smoke Debuff. This shows up on debuff icon list, but gives you more combat speed.

This is a great sign to prepare for Green Magic one shot attack, so make sure to check your debuff icon list.

( In 2013 screen was very dark so it was noticable, but 2016 version room does not become dark much. You need to check your debuff icon list )

SMOKE DEBUFF- Increase Combat Movement to 240

Then you will see flashing 4 green circles somehowhere in the room. ( place is random )

Near the green circles , always there are small caterpillars .

*They are walking before green circles show up already, so try to check where they are all time.

Actually if you defeat these small caterpillars before green circles show up, you can reduce the number of green circle. But bad Bug which you will get space between circles is reported so better not to try.

Last BOSS  Green caterpillar

If you find circles , you need to dash to the biggest circle ,fast befre your Black Smoke Debuff will end.

Most of classes can reach to the cricle in time by using dash skill or jump skills etc.

However gunner tends to struggle to reach to circle in time because of his low movement speed.

Need to make sure you are in combat mode, when this mechanic happens.

Carry some dash scroll as well in your bag for your emergency.

Priest also try to help if someone is having trouble.

How this green cricles work?

First you need to be inside of the bigget circle. Stand closest to next bigges circle for your next move.

then if you see the circle flashed and gound shaked, you have to move to second biggest circle next to the current circle you in.

The time given to you to move to next circle is pretty short. You have to make fast move without any hesitation.

Then repeat same process 3 more times. After circle flahed, move to next circle.

 Color Stones Curse ( one shot )

At 30% and 50 % of BOSS HP, he places 4 colors stones.

( 2013 version, HM 30% did not have colors on stones, howevr 2016 version has colors always )

After warning message shows up " better not to stay at the center of the room "

Then boss will jump up and hang down from ceiling.

Four colored stones ( Red, Blue, Green and Yellow ) show up at center of the room. 

You get 4 color spell debuff. To remove this debuff,  you need to stand next to the correct stone in right order.

Debuff Icons

Order you have to stand is

1234 from left

Be careful if your debuff ui menu is opposite



First stand close to stone ( 10m )

then message show up 

" Cancelling order is right " > " Curse will be cancelled soon " > " Curse was removed " 

Your same color stone debuff will be removed. Then move to next color stone, and repeat till you remove all debuffs.

* If you fail to stand next to right color stone, you can not remove debuff and you will get one shot.*

* Make sure to move / walk together as team *

After you finished all stones, wait on green grass area,

do not stay at center of the room till Boss drops on the floor.

Place of Stones

Place of stones are always same most of time.

First stone you have to stand is always same place as well.

Dash to this place , if boss started doing this magic.

And depends on what color is first, the debuff order has fixed rules. 

Hidden Rule for this Curse

Actually , the order you have to move has fixed rule depends on color of First Stone.

 ( 2013 version , stone did not have colors at 30%  , so this rule was useful. Now not so important since you can see color clearly, but rule remained same. )

It is easier to move if you know this rule


Huge Caterpillar with magic wand. He can curse players lots and often does poison gas/paddle attacks.

Major one shot attacks are 2.

( Green Magic Circle and Color Stones )

Most of his normal attacks can be guarded.

               Red                               Blue                            Green                            Yellow

Dungeon HOME


Boss has many kind of attacks, debuff , ring etc etc

Some are very strong , so make sure to evade them .

Poison Green Paddle Clock

He lifts up his tail, then he will splash green paddles around his in clockwise.

This attacks happen quite often. Damage area is exactly same as orange ring guide. Just try to stand outside of ring before he splashes green.

Red Eye Attack

He flashes red light , then try to bang with his wand.

Random Target Ring

He will target someone , then targeted one gets following orange ring.

Ring color/ pattern will change to yello and purple after few seconds, after color changed, go outside of the ring.

Purple Poison Liquid 

Purple poison liquid comes out from Boss's mouth,

then he spits the liquid in front of him.

Jump and Green Gas Slash

He jumps up high and lands on ground.

Then he splahses green gas on floor.

After this attack, he tends to do back green gas splash. 

Back Green Gas

He splahes green gas from his tail

Sleep Gas

He crouches down on the floor then, he will be covered by purple aura.

Then he splashes sleep gas. ( Sleep Debuff )

After this one shot , Black Smoke Attack tends to happen,

so make sure not to get this gas. Healers need to remove debuff of players soon.

Wide AOE Poison Paddle

He says "It is useless even if you ask for help "

He gets red aura around him, then he leashes all players to his side , then creates paddle radius of 20 m.

This attack can be stopped if you use down skill when he has aura.

Spin Attack

He lifts up his upper party, then ground shakes.

After that he spins in anti-clockwise ( 270 degree )

Jagged Walk

He walks fast in jagged way.

After this he tends to do Spin Attack.

Wonderholme Guide 7

Room 11 - 12

Room 11 / Room 12

Room 8 / Room 9

Room 1 ~ Room 4

Room 5

Room 6

Room 7

Room 10



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